Our People Promise - Delivered by Our People Strategy 2023 – 2027


Introduction from Will Tuckley


Our Council plan sets out a vision for ‘A better Brighton & Hove for all’, and a clear steer on what our elected leadership and residents want to see changed to realise that vision. We know the greatest asset the council has is you, our people, who make such a positive difference every day to the lives of our residents and visitors. The plan is a call to action for us to continue our work together with residents, communities, and other local organisations to deliver on the priorities. Our council vision is that Brighton & Hove can be:


·         A city to be proud of – we will champion a flourishing economy and a sustainable, safe and clean environment

·         A fair and inclusive city – with homes for all, we will work to reduce inequality, challenge discrimination, improve accessibility and keep people safe

·         A city where people can thrive – we will secure a better future for children and young people and enable people to live healthy and fulfilling lives

·         A city of responsive and well-run council services – we will put the needs of our residents, businesses and visitors at the heart of what we do and enable our hard-working staff to do their best

The direction of travel set by the council plan underpins our people strategy, providing the ambition and determination to transform the way we do things and drive improvement across our services.

As we transform and improve our services the need to work collaboratively together and in partnership with others has never been greater. Delivering what is needed will mean facing up to many challenges, from the climate emergency to the cost-of-living crisis, increasing inflation, systemic inequality, and unprecedented demand for services. We are determined to face up to these challenges through inspiring and developing the talent, creativity and ambition that already exists across the council and beyond.

Our dedicated, diverse and hard-working staff are at the heart of this council. As one of the largest employers in the region we will enable our people to do their jobs well, to engage with our residents and communities and through their behaviours and actions, create a fair and inclusive workplace that enables them to deliver inclusive, welcoming, and accessible services to our city. We will work to recruit and retain the very best talent for council services and we will achieve this by keeping our promises to our staff:

·         We promise to appreciate, recognise and reward you for the great work you do

·         We promise you opportunities to do your best for the city and our residents

·         We promise that we will be a fair and inclusive place to work and treat each other with dignity and respect.

·         We promise to support your wellbeing at work

·         We promise to create an environment for us to do our best for the city


Will Tuckley

Interim Chief Executive

Background and Strategic Context

Our People Strategy sets out how we will have a diverse, high performing, resilient and skilled workforce well placed to respond to the opportunities and challenges ahead. It sets out how we will invest in the skills to support transformational change and improvement of services, including digital and data skills, inclusive leadership and the business skills needed to drive income and financial sustainability. It affirms our commitment to increasing our diversity and enabling a culture of innovation and improvement, where fairness, inclusivity, accessibility and anti-racist principles are at the heart of how we think, act, and deliver as a service provider and employer.

Our People Promise was established in 2017 to address a number of issues identified from our 2017 staff survey and other workforce data.  It was co-created with staff and other stakeholders and was an extensive programme of work to improve our employment offer and the experience of staff.  Successive staff surveys have demonstrated sustained improvement as we have built the strong and competitive offer we have today which recognises, rewards and develops our employees in return for their commitment and hard work delivering services to the City.  Our People Strategy will build on this success, ensuring we continue to attract the best talent and as one of the biggest employers in the City, further develop our offer as an employer of choice.

Our People Strategy sits as part of the Council’s Business Framework, which defines how the organisation will deliver the priorities of the Council Plan 2023 to 2027. The framework sets the principles for how we will deliver responsive and well-run council services. Our people strategy sits alongside the:

·       Medium Term Service and Financial Plan

·       Accommodation Strategy

·       Digital Data &Technology​ Strategy

·       Customer Experience Strategy 

·       Health & Safety Strategy

·       Fair & Inclusive Action Plan and Council wide equalities work




Our Workforce

·         More than 4500 employees

·         Workforce reduced by 9% since 2012

·         Senior managers reduced nearly a third since 2015 (grade M8 and above)

·         Employee engagement increased by more than 20% since 2014 (staff survey)

·         Gender pay gap women are paid an average of 7.2% more than men

·         Turnover is 11%


Workforce Profile

·         9.9% identify as BME

·         9.7% identify as White Other

·         15.1% identify as LGBT

·         57% female and 43% male

·         39.3% of staff identify as having a religion or belief

·         8.6% of staff declare they have a disability

·         29.5% of our disabled staff identify as LGBTQ+

·         66% of staff who tell us they are carers are women

·         1.7% of staff tell us they’ve served in the UK Armed Forces

·         1.6% of staff say their gender identity is different from their sex registered at birth.

·         9.7% of women are from White Other backgrounds, compared with 7.5% of men

·         10.3% of women are from Black and Minority Ethnic backgrounds, compared with 9% of men

·         48.4% of staff are aged 50 and over

·         8.8% of staff are under 30


Workforce Profile for senior managers (scale M8 and above)

·         7.5% identify as BME

·         5.4% identify as White Other

·         14.2% identify as LGBT

60% female and 40% male

·         6.7% of staff declare they have a disability




Workforce of the Future

The Council’s ambition is to recruit, retain, develop, and enable a diverse, skilled workforce which reflects the communities we serve.  Our people will fulfil their potential and be innovative, while thinking and acting in sustainable ways to support the council in meeting its duties and responsibilities as a service provider and employer.  In 2027 our workforce will:


Engagement & Insight


Our People Strategy has been developed over time alongside the development of the Business Framework and the Council Plan and through engagement with Directorate Management Teams and the Executive Leadership Team on the current and future workforce needs of services and by testing the strategy content with Directorate Management Teams as it has developed.


We have also obtained feedback from other stakeholders on our workforce issues currently and in the future which has informed the priorities in this strategy.


Senior Managers

As well as through Directorate Management Teams, we have engaged with senior managers via the leadership network as part of the Business Framework development seeking feedback on what senior managers need from corporate services.


Elected Members

We have shared the draft strategy with Group Leaders and, subsequent to the local elections in May 2023, engaged with the new Administration to ensure the strategy reflects their priorities as set out in the Council Plan 2023-2027.


Trade Unions

Trade Unions were consulted ahead of the strategy being developed to identify their priorities and views on workforce challenges and subsequently the strategy and underpinning action plan have been shared in order to gather feedback.


Employee Networks (BME Workers Forum, Disabled Workers and Carers Network, LGBTQ Workers Forum, Women’s Network)

We have met with representatives from the networks to identify issues and share progress in the development of the strategy.


Staff Feedback

We have also analysed our workforce data and the intelligence and feedback that has been gathered over time from our workforce in a variety of ways such as the Staff Survey, Wellbeing Surveys, Our People Promise focus groups and Ways of Working focus Groups. 


Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Team and Fair and Inclusive Programme of Work 

We have consulted the EDI team within the council to ensure Our People Strategy and its goals are aligned with council-wide EDI strategies (5-year long-term, current, and upcoming planned work), Fair and Inclusive Action Plan work, and relevant workstreams and direction of travel.



Our People Strategy


Strategic Aim

Our Promise to Each Other

1. Recruiting and rewarding well, with flexible paths for progression

We will use effective workforce planning to attract and retain a diverse and skilled workforce that meets the Council’s current and future needs and provide meaningful career paths and a modern package of rewards in return for the hard work, commitment and great performance of our staff.

We promise to appreciate, recognise and reward you for the great work you do.

2. Great performance supported by the right development

We will maximise organisational capacity and capability by continuously developing skills for the future, improving performance, the sense of belonging and engaging and motivating our staff to do their best work.

We promise you opportunities to do your best for the city and our residents

3. A fair and inclusive workplace, where everyone feels a sense of belonging

We will be reflective of the communities we serve and embed equality, diversity, and inclusion at the heart of everything we do, with strong inclusive leadership to embed a positive culture where equity and inclusive behaviours are role modelled throughout the organisation.

We promise that we will be a fair and inclusive place to work and treat each other with dignity and respect.

4. A safe and healthy working environment that supports wellbeing

We will improve health, safety and wellbeing to demonstrate how we value and engage our people, keeping them healthy and safe so they can deliver to the city.

We promise to support each other’s wellbeing at work.

5. A culture and ways of working together that provide a great place to work

We will build our reputation as an inspiring place to work and ensure that our culture and ways of working enable our staff do their best for residents, customers and the City.

We promise to create an environment for us to work together and do our best for the city

Priority 1

Recruiting and rewarding well, with flexible paths for progression


Strategic Aim

We will use effective workforce planning to attract and retain a diverse and skilled workforce that meets the Council’s current and future needs.  We will provide meaningful career paths and a modern package of rewards in exchange for the hard work and commitment of our staff delivering services for the city.


We will deliver this by:

1.1    Implementing a new recruitment model to provide professional and strategic support that explores and develops innovative and modern methods of attraction and selection and ensures that managers are upskilled.

1.2    Developing a social media and marketing strategy that enables the Council to reach a diverse range of people and communicates what we can offer and what it's like to work here.

1.3    Overcoming barriers to recruitment, retention and progression that impact on different groups

1.4    Implementing a clear process for workforce and succession planning.

1.5    Developing new approaches to support career paths and progression that will support retention and development of our diverse and skilled workforce.

1.6    Reviewing our pay and grading framework to ensure it is modern, fit for purpose and affordable

1.7    Reviewing and updating our package of non-pay benefits, and develop a culture where great performance is celebrated and shared.

1.8    Developing change management processes, training and support to enable transformative change




How we will measure progress


Workforce Profile – Staff Survey results – Turnover rates – Recruitment data – Gender, Ethnicity and Disability Pay Gap data


How you can get involved


-      Make yourself aware of the opportunities that might be available across the council for you to consider in line with your personal aspirations.

-      Make yourself aware of the wide range of benefits offered by the Council, including MyStaffShop, and spend time understanding what will provide the best value for you.

-      Share access and opportunity with those different to you and who are under-represented in your grade, team, leadership, and service. 

-      Recruiting managers can plan recruitment exercises carefully, ensure you are trained and use all the tools available to help you recruit the staff you need.

-      Aim to have shortlisting and interview panels that are diverse with representation from under-represented identities,




Priority 2

Great performance supported by the right development


Strategic Aim

We will maximise organisational capacity to deliver services and the Council Plan by continuously, improving performance, developing skills for the future recognising diverse skills and knowledge, sense of belonging and engaging and motivating our staff to do their best work.


We will deliver this by:

2.1    Implementing a strengthened and streamlined performance management process that supports high quality service delivery, continuous improvement, innovation and progression, with trust, support and recognition at its core.

2.2    Improving skills that enable staff to support customers, digital inclusion and service transformation through the development of inclusion, digital and data capabilities.

2.3    Improving skills that enable staff to work in partnership with others and to co-create services.

2.4    Improving business focused skills that support value for money, efficiency and income generation

2.5    Creating a leadership development programme with a refresh of leadership behaviours that supports leaders to be ambitious, to innovate, be more inclusive, lead through ambiguity and work collaboratively as ‘one council’ and with partners

2.6    Developing a clear statement describing the role of and key accountabilities of all line managers and develop the support and frameworks available to enable managers to do their best.

2.7    Ensuring that we take account of the range of different working arrangements and operational needs across the council and exploring ways to ensure frontline staff can access e-learning, wellbeing support and other development opportunities.


How we will measure progress 

Training take-up rates - Staff survey results – Personal Development Plan completion rates


How you can get involved

-      Do your best at work to help us deliver high quality services to the city and keep our Customer Promise

-      Take an active role in your learning and development and consider what would help you to do your best in your job and help meet your aspirations such as apprenticeship opportunities where these are available.

-      Use your knowledge and skills to support and develop colleagues, those you manage, and employees undertaking work placements, apprenticeships and other schemes.

-     Continually develop and improve your digital skills and share your knowledge and skills with others.

-     Encourage your staff and make time for your own self-education, especially to develop inclusive leadership knowledge.



Priority 3

A fair and inclusive workplace, where everyone feels a sense of belonging


Strategic Aim

We will be reflective of the communities we serve and embed equality, diversity, and inclusion at the heart of everything we do, with strong inclusive leadership to embed a positive culture where equity and inclusive behaviours are role modelled throughout the organisation.


We will deliver this by:

3.1    Working collaboratively to implement a refreshed Fair and Inclusive Action Plan that drives and delivers continued improvement in the experiences of our diverse staff groups, as well as supporting delivery of the Council's Anti-racism, Accessible City and other equalities strategies.

3.2    Delivering talent programmes to under represented groups as positive action to develop a representative future workforce and leaders.

3.3    Developing our learning offer to support nuanced and intersectional understanding of gender identities and sexual orientation.

3.4    Providing and nurturing a safe environment, where staff feel confident that if they experience any kind of discrimination, victimisation, harassment or bullying it will be addressed with appropriate action.

3.5    Embedding equality, diversity and inclusion considerations at the heart of all culture change work and thinking, ensuring accessibility, anti-racism, gender, faith and migrant experiences are additionally considered.

3.6    Working with our recognised Trade Unions to improve and develop a modern industrial relations environment to enable managers to work confidently with a range of staff and issues.

3.7    Providing training and support to managers and leaders to build their skills in industrial relations, and in creating an environment built on respect and where challenge is constructive.


How we will measure progress 

Workforce Profile – Delivery of actions in the Fair and Inclusive Action Plan – Staff Survey Results


How you can get involved

-      Get involved in employee networks. If you manage staff encourage and facilitate your team to attend.

-      Understand, promote and behave in alignment with the Council’s Behaviour Framework and challenge inappropriate behaviour where you see this.

-      Champion equality, diversity and inclusion being compassionate, practicing genuine allyship, supporting others and treating them with respect.

-      Make sure the way you communicate is clear and inclusive.

-      Make yourself aware of and undertake equalities and inclusion training that is on offer




Priority 4

A safe and healthy working environment that supports wellbeing


Strategic Aim

We will improve health, safety and wellbeing to demonstrate how we value and engage our people, keeping them healthy and safe so they can deliver to the city.


We will deliver this by:

4.1   Collaborating with stakeholders to assess our current wellbeing offer to ensure we are meeting the needs of a diverse workforce.

4.2   Promoting a healthy workplace by empowering staff to prioritise their wellbeing and encouraging a culture of change through managers and leaders.

4.3   Developing our financial wellbeing offer, co-producing and co-delivering support with partners ensuring they are representative and inclusive of diverse lived experiences.

4.4   Reviewing and developing our approach to the prevention and support of mental health in our workforce, recognising for racial trauma, employing trauma-informed approaches, and considering for different barriers to and impacts on diverse staff and the nature of different roles, for example frontline, equalities, social work, customer services, management.

4.5   Implementing our Health & Safety strategy to improve risk management and the safety culture of the organisation 


How we will measure progress 

Staff absence data – Health & Safety data – Staff survey results


How you can get involved

-      Take actions to support and maintain your physical and mental health and wellbeing using internal and external resources.

-      Identify risks and report these in line with the relevant procedures.

-      Understand the Council’s wellbeing offer, what is available through the Employee Assistance Programme and the training available to support your own wellbeing and, if applicable, that of the people you manage.

-      Keep up to date with the health and safety training relevant to your role.

-      Use team agreements to consider actions related to wellbeing and to support team resilience




Priority 5

A culture and ways of working that provide a great place to work


Strategic Aim

We will build our reputation as an inspiring, welcoming, accessible and inclusive place to work and ensure that our culture and ways of working enable our staff do their best.


We will deliver this by:

5.1        Developing people policies, guidance and support that will support the implementation of an Accommodation Strategy that will make efficient use of our office accommodation.

5.2        Develop flexible workspaces and hybrid working approaches that support service delivery and customer needs and pursue joint working across other Public Sector bodies.

5.2        Provide the people and culture change support required as we implement new policies and ways of working, including the business framework, corporate plan and future ways of working to ensure a people and customer approach is at the heart of all change.

5.3        Creating accessible documents and communications for staff and improving our processes to implement inclusive workplace adjustments.

5.4        Improving internal communications to increase employee engagement and feeling of being valued.



How we will measure progress 

Staff survey data


How you can get involved

-      Embrace our inclusive and accessible ways of working and share ideas to improve our ways of working for our customers, acknowledging that not all services are the same.

-      Explore and experiment with hybrid and innovative ways of using available technology in inclusive ways to enable different and diverse staff to stay connected, build belonging, and participate in a variety of ways.

-      Contribute to the development of your team agreements about the way you will work, ensuring that the needs of customers are at the centre.

-      Share your ideas to improve services for our customers.

-      Use council resources efficiently and identify opportunities to make savings or increase income.

-      Make sure that you keep up to date with what’s going on by using the communications channels available such as the wave, newsletters, corporate broadcasts and other service specific communications




How Our People Strategy will be Delivered


Implementation of Our People Strategy will be owned by the Executive Leadership Team with Our People Strategy Action Plan delivered through the Human Resources & Organisational Development service working collaboratively with the Communities & Equalities Team, the Leadership Network and services across the council.


Our People Strategy Action Plan will be developed and measured through our corporate performance data and delivery of our corporate plan, our staff survey, our workforce profile and our success in recruiting and retaining the skills needed.  This will be a living document which is continually reviewed and refreshed in line with the changing needs of the organisation.


HR Business Partners will work with directorate management teams and senior service managers to identify local workforce issues and how these can be addressed through the local delivery and adoption of plans and initiatives in Our People Strategy Action Plan.  These local will feedback into the review and ongoing development of the overall Action Plan.